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America's Forefathers And True History!

Updated on October 21, 2010

America, Our Forefathers, and Our Constitution

The work of many minds, the US Constitution stands as a model of cooperative statesmanship and the art of compromise.

Our forefathers would roll over in their graves to see what has become of their America.

Just compare today, 2010, with 1776.

Dare to compare present today with decades ago and hundreds of years ago.

Founding Father's Real Face

What would George Washington and Thomas Jefferson think of black people being free today?


What would our forefathers think of so many people “owning” land today and voting too?


Wait a second. Let me check my notes here.... hmmm!

Button Gwinnett
Button Gwinnett

Gee! Now folks don't get your knickers all twisted up here. I didn't write this, at least originally. So if there is anyone upset about this history- write to the editor of your local newspaper and voice your heart-felt opinions. They will be appreciated.

Tell them Micky sent you.


By the end of the Revolution our “fore-fathers” had created a state where people, like themselves, who had land and wealth, held supreme power.

Of course the common man (that would be me) in the United States did not have the right to vote or to stand for office. That right was reserved for those who had reached a certain level of land ownership and personal wealth.

As military historian Hugh Bicheno said, “They were no less a self perpetuating oligarchy than the British political establishment, neither elected nor respected by the majority of the people they claimed to represent.”

Carter Braxton
Carter Braxton

The seeds of the American Revolution were sewn by wealthy men to obtain and exercise power over their fellow colonists.

John Hancock
John Hancock

Many were like John Hancock who inherited wealth, not earned it. They were much like the aristocracy back across the water. The “founding fathers” were men who demanded leadership positions comparable to their elevated status in the colonies.

Fundamentalist Christians and The Founding Fathers

A good percentage of our 56 signers went to Harvard.

Our leaders still go there.

The main antagonist for the war was Boston born Samuel Adams who was severely puritanical. His father’s banking venture concerning “paper money” had been outlawed in 1774 by the British . So the business failed and as a result his father lost most of his wealth. Being Puritan there was already distrust for the British government. Samuel was for violent confrontation with the British. He incited riots and he distorted events. Adams wrote many seditious letters to the editor sometimes taking on an “alter-ego” devil’s advocate for the opposing side under a fictitious name. When there was a drunken mob confronting edgy British soldiers and five men were killed, he called it the “Boston Massacre”.

In 1770, a street confrontation resulted in British soldiers killing five civilians in what became known as the Boston Massacre. The soldiers involved, who were arrested on criminal charges, had trouble finding legal counsel. Finally, they asked John Adams to defend them. Although he feared it would hurt his reputation, he agreed. Six of the soldiers were acquitted. Two who had fired directly into the crowd were charged with murder but were convicted only of manslaughter.

Historian John Miller claims, "Adams deliberately provoked the incident to promote his secret agenda of American independence."

Of course there are many eloquent statements said of Sam.

He has a beer named after him.

He went to church.

Went to Harvard- like Bush I, Bush II, Clinton, Obama, ad nauseum.

He was Puritan.

Below I will tell you:

"One group of “praying Indians” was murdered when their church was burned down with them still inside. It wasn’t Indian on Indian. It was the Puritans burning “their own”."

There were times that founding fathers could have ended the war and gotten all the freedoms they were asking for. Britain was ready to concede sovereignty by 1778, but the “patriots” kept it going for another five years hoping to take over parts of Canada as well.

So- 70,000 Americans died and 31,000 British had died.

Micky's bet is- these 70,000 were not 70,000 graduates from Harvard. which many of our forefathers were.

Still- they could not vote?

What up?

Blacks fought.

Women fought.

The elite ran the country and gave no say to the poor man or woman afterward.

Like today.

Once the war was over it was time to re-write history as Rameses did three thousand years ago.

The official version hardly mentioned intelligence gathering, warning signals, and uncertainty of the first shot.

The histories have to show that the war began from unprovoked British aggression against defenseless farmers. There is no doubt that the militias were made up of simple farmers, but they were manipulated into acting against their own interests by those in positions of wealth, power, and influence.

The war started in the north and slowly moved to the south.

It took a bit longer for the “west” (west was the mountains of North Carolina and what is now Tennessee) to become interested. There was apprehension of Indian attacks while being occupied with a war.

The coastal southerners fought for liberty and property and their property was “slaves”.

Let’s go further back. Lord De La Warr could have written the book, “How To Steal Land From The Indians and Keep It Legal”. The Jamestown colony had lost all but 60 settlers due to starvation, disease, and Indian attacks.

Before Columbus the Indians fought for the best land in the Americas as the Celts, Romans, Aryans, Persians, etc. were well known for taking what wasn’t theirs.

Most of the five-hundred “gentlemen” who landed were lazy, mean-spirited and only interested in finding Indian gold as the Spanish had in Mexico and Peru. The first English settlers were ignorant, brutal, and land hungry. They were scornful of the “inferior” Indians. The Indians reciprocated. Under De La Warr’s command, the colonists raided Indian towns, stole the crops and burned their cornfields. He was the leader of whites’ tactics of burn-and-kill that would be repeated throughout the frontiers of America.

“And here in Florida, Virginia, New England, and "Cannada", is more land than all of "Christendome" can manure, and yet more to spare than all the natives of those countries can use and cultivate. The natives are only too happy to share: If this be not reason sufficient to such tender consciences; for a copper kettle and a few toyes, as beads and hatchets, they will sell you a whole Country.” –Captain John Smith

There were Pilgrims and there were Puritans.

The Pilgrims landed at Plymouth Rock in 1620 and treated the Indians fairly.

The Puritans founded Boston in 1630. In no time at all they were trying to convert the local folk into Christian, “Praying Indians”. In 1637 the Puritans started killing the Pequots, the most numerous tribe. Soon 1500 Indians were dead. The Puritans had killed off one tribe who weren’t “accepting” of their beliefs.

The Puritans continued to wipe out the Wampanoag in the 1660s and 1670s. Indians retreating into their great walled towns soon learned that the Puritans would burn them down and out without a small thought about it. One group of “praying Indians” was murdered when their church was burned down with them still inside. It wasn’t Indian on Indian. It was the Puritans burning “their own”.

John Rutledge
John Rutledge

Let’s skip along into the future.

Alexander Hamilton was born poor and illegitimate on a Nevi Island in the West Indies.

We could talk about John Rutledge of SC 1739-1800–“judging while drunk and insane”.

William Blount 1749-1800 – tried to sell the Southwest to the Spanish.

James Wilson 1742-1798 – Swindler, Yazoo Land Scammer, US Supreme Court Justice

John Pickering JWI- Judging while impaired.

John Adams 1737-1826 – “His Rotundity” and the Alien and Sedition Acts was to harness free speech. It didn’t go over too well.

The Sedition Act (officially An Act for the Punishment of Certain Crimes against the United States; ch. 74, 1 Stat. 596) made it a crime to publish "false, scandalous, and malicious writing" against the government or its officials. It was enacted July 14, 1798, with an expiration date of March 3, 1801 (the day before Adams' presidential term was to end).

Of course as some of our forefathers would have it, if they didn’t like what you said – it must be a lie.

The Republican Press was often the target of the Alien and Sedition Act. Federalists viewed them as rebellious and opponents to "genuine liberty" for their many critiques of the administration. Matthew Lyon, a congressman of Vermont and editor of Republican Newspaper The Scourge of Aristocracy, was fined $1,000 and sentenced to four months in prison. Likewise, lawyer and physician Thomas Cooper was imprisoned for writings accusing the Adams administration of bias towards Britain.

While the Alien and Sedition Laws were in force, John Adams, en route from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, to Quincy, Massachusetts, stopped in Newark, New Jersey, where he was greeted by a crowd and by a committee that saluted him by firing a cannon. A bystander said, "There goes the President and they are firing at his ass." Luther Baldwin was indicted for replying that he did not care "if they fired through his ass." He was convicted in the federal court for speaking "sedicious words tending to defame the President and Government of the United States" and fined, assessed court costs and expenses, and placed in jail until the fine and fees were paid.

Jury nullification was practiced in many cases involving the Alien and Sedition Acts.

In November 1798, David Brown led a group in Dedham, Massachusetts in setting up a liberty pole with the words, "No Stamp Act, No Sedition Act, No Alien Bills, No Land Tax, downfall to the Tyrants of America; peace and retirement to the President; Long Live the Vice President," referring to then-President John Adams and Vice President Thomas Jefferson. Brown was arrested in Andover, Massachusetts, but because he could not afford the $4,000 bail, he was taken to Salem for trial. Brown was tried in June 1799. Brown wanted to plead guilty but Justice Samuel Chase wanted him to name everybody who had helped him or who subscribed to his writings. Brown refused, was fined $480, and sentenced to eighteen months in prison, the most severe sentence then imposed under the Alien and Sedition Acts.

The above about the Sedition Act was taken from wikipedia.

John Adams
John Adams

Thomas Jefferson said, “These truths to be self-evident; that all men are created equal.”

Jefferson rewrote many eloquent revisions of the Revolution and many writings that awe us all today. The quote above was actually shortened to the length you see here. The original draft was considered too long.

“These truths to be self-evident; that all “white” men, who own property including slaves, are created equal to take land from any and all Indians, Mexicans, Central Americans, South Americans, Caribbeans, etc . White women can’t vote but will be held in higher esteem than all other life forms. Affirmative action is allowing slaves and other lower classes to have children sired by the FOREFATHER!”

Vice President Richard Johnson was common-law married to his slave, Julia Chinn and they had two daughters together.

After Chinn died Johnson took up with another of his slaves. She left Johnson for another man. Johnson had her tracked down and returned to him and he sold her at an auction. He then pursued a relationship with her sister.

Yep- Vice president Richard Johnson was a freak.

James Buchanon
James Buchanon

James Buchanan was America’s first gay president. William Rufus deVayne King was Buchanan’s lifelong friend. Just thought this was interesting reading.

William Blount
William Blount

In 1790 William Blount was appointed governor of Tennessee by President George Washington. In about six years or so he was trying to sell Indian land to the British. But his real goal was to unite the Indians with the British and take Florida. There he would be Guv again. The Senate didn’t impeach or put him on trial. Business as usual.

President  Andrew Jackson would have killed all the Indians himself but he got busy with duels and such- killing his own white people.

So he had a bunch of other cowards do it.

How Religious Were the Founding Fathers? - Gordon Wood

Yes sir, let’s skip on over to the Civil War and the blacks getting their freedom. One giant step forward takes a giant step backward because in 1876:

President US Grant’s administration were sullying elections right through his second term. So it’s no surprise that his Republican party would continue its piggish behavior in the election of 1876.

Congress offered their “back-room” deal. If the Democrats “agreed” to “accept” Rutherford B. Hayes as their newly elected Grand Poobah of the US then old Rutherford would recall all the federal troops who had been propping up “Reconstruction” in the South.

So!!! Old Rutherford let the hounds loose on the black people of the South and things were too often worse before the Civil War.

A black man could be walking down a street and have petty charges brought against him with fines he couldn’t pay.

The black man’s debt or prison time could be sold to a farmer, miner, or whoever had some money.

In mines of some of the southern states black men spent the rest of their lives chained to other black men. They slept together, used the bathroom together, and died together. There are unfathomable atrocities committed because of this “forefather”.

I’m not so sure just what the United States Constitution meant to those fellows.

I’m not sure if they really appreciated the “Bill of Rights”.

So slavery was cranked back up in 1876.

If you have the misfortune of going to hell-

Rutherford B. Hayes will be sizzling with you.

Of course things got better in the 1960s, a hundred years or so but our leader, Martin Luther King was murdered. And of Course, as all our "assassinations", it was a "lone gun-man". Right!

The Democrats wanted former Governor Samuel J. Tilden. Democratic Governor Lafayette Grover of Oregon refused to certify an elector. The elector was to vote Republican and for Rutherford B. Hayes. Florida, South Carolina, Louisiana, and Oregon had “irregularities” (sound familiar?). Colorado was new and had no electoral process but the state’s legislature awarded all three of their votes to Hayes.

Tilden won the vote but lost the electoral count by a single vote.

For the first time in America, the clear winner of the “electoral vote” did not win the popular vote.

In 1824 Andrew Jackson won the popular vote and the five candidates split the electoral vote.

Of course the winning of an election by a guy who came in second would repeat again in 2000 (at least).

Andrew Jackson-Indian Killer
Andrew Jackson-Indian Killer

Grover Cleveland dodged the draft and was a nod and a wink father of a child out of wedlock.

Of course all voters before 1920 were male. As you can see – males don’t evolve on their own. They were no more moral then than now. It’s just that vices and immorality were seldom discussed. Alas, no internet.

But when the Civil War broke out, it was legal to “hire” a substitute. So Grover hired a sub.

Woodrow Wilson was one bigoted white cracker there! He was born in Virginia and raised in the Carolinas.

Woodrow put many men like himself in this cabinet. As soon as they took office they segregated their departments. It was back to separate bathrooms and drinking fountains, even though the departments were integrated since the Civil War.

Woodrow termed the black vote “ignorant and hostile” toward white people and blacks themselves. He claimed it to be “an ignorant and inferior race”.

Theodore Roosevelt called him a “damned Presbyterian hypocrite!”

In 1912, "an unprecedented number" of African Americans left the Republican Party to cast their vote for Democrat Wilson.

They were encouraged by his promises of support for their issues.

Man! Were they ripped off!

The issue of segregation came up early in his presidency when, at an April 1913 cabinet meeting, Albert Burleson, Wilson's Postmaster General, complained about working conditions at the Railway Mail Service. Offices and restrooms became segregated, sometimes by partitions erected between seating for white and African-American employees in Post Office Department offices, lunch rooms, and bathrooms, as well as in the Treasury and the Bureau of Engraving and Printing.

It also became accepted policy for "Negro" employees of the Postal Service to be reduced in rank or dismissed.

And unlike his predecessors Grover Cleveland and Theodore Roosevelt, Wilson accommodated Southern opposition to the re-appointment of an African American to the position of Register of the Treasury and other positions within the federal government.

This set the tone for Wilson's attitude to race throughout his presidency, in which the rights of African Americans were sacrificed, for what he felt would be the more important longer term progress of the common good.

Today- in 2010, a video is passed around for the far crazy right and contains words from Woodrow Wilson.

The white cracker freak president!

Is that video, today, "CODE" for all white crackers to come to the aid of the whacko right today?

It is to me.

“My choice early in life was either to be a piano player in a whore-house or a politician. And to tell the truth, there’s hardly any difference.”

Harry S. Truman

Strom Thurmond-Bigot-Hypocrite
Strom Thurmond-Bigot-Hypocrite

Strom Thurmond was born to well-to-do farmers in South Carolina. In 1925, after Strom Thurmond graduated from Clemson, he fathered a child with Carrie “Tunch” Butler. Thurmond sent his child “Essie Mae Washington” away to live with her mother’s relatives in Pennsylvania. But Strom preached segregation right on.

Strom holds the record for the length of a filibuster by a single senator, just over twenty-four hours, while single-handedly trying to block the Civil Rights Act of 1957.

A Beautiful Vulnerable Woman Used By The Kennedy Brothers
A Beautiful Vulnerable Woman Used By The Kennedy Brothers

Let’s skip along to the 1960s.

John F. Kennedy was a womanizer and plagiarist. His book “Profiles inCourage” was ghost-written, probably by Arthur Schlesinger, Jr.

But JFK was a serial adulterer. Gene Tierney and Marilyn Monroe were but two. Angie Dickinson said about her tryst with President Kennedy, “It was the best thirty seconds of my life.”

It appears that JFK didn’t mind seeing elected officials of Central and South America being killed by our CIA.

Richard "Tricky Dick" Nixon and Lyndon "Bonkers" Johnson
Richard "Tricky Dick" Nixon and Lyndon "Bonkers" Johnson

Richard Nixon. Oh my God!
Please don't make me even think of this "crook"!

Lyndon Baines Johnson is a president we could say a lot about. Johnson was a student of human nature (?). He would remind anyone and everyone of just “who” was running the show. He would send a member of Congress or whoever to the bathroom. If officials weren’t doing to his satisfaction he would summon them in and go into his small private bathroom, drop his trousers, and make the person in question discuss the issue while LBJ sat on the toilet.

The Forgotten Founding Father - Chief Canassatego

John Connally - Just Typical of Today's Political Macaroons
John Connally - Just Typical of Today's Political Macaroons

John Connally who was shot with John Kennedy in Dallas, said about the Warren Commission investigation of JFK’s murder, “I do not for one second, believe the conclusions of the Warren Commission.”

Connally was also outraged when accused of taking a $10,000 bribe. “$10,000 was considered a tip.”

During the Vietnam War, Connally hawkishly urged Johnson to "finish" the engagement by any military means necessary. Johnson, however, was more moderate in his conduct of the war than Connally advised.

Connally was known as an immaculate dresser who wore expensive and stylish suits wherever he went. Biographer Charles Ashman related a story about Connally's carrying a cigarette lighter in his pocket and lighting cigarettes as a courtesy only for very wealthy men who might be inclined to contribute to his political causes or retain him as a consultant on business arrangements.

Just typical of most politicians since time began. Yuck!

James "Kick The Indians And Mexicans Out" Polk
James "Kick The Indians And Mexicans Out" Polk

Want to go back to the United States’ annexation of Mexico in 1846?

The Mexican-American War took two years and cost Mexico a large chunk of territory. The war was waged under the American expansionist ideology of Manifest Destiny - which proposed that it was the God-given right of all United States citizens to take and rule land, including that occupied by Mexicans and Indians. The war ended with the signing of the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo.

Polk initially hoped to be nominated for vice-president at the Democratic convention, which began on May 27, 1844. The leading contender for the presidential nomination was former President Martin Van Buren, who wanted to stop the expansion of slavery.

If a deadlocked convention occurred in the election of 1845, initial supporters of Van Buren would pick Polk as a compromise candidate for the Democrats. In the end, this is exactly what happened as a result for Polk's support of westward expansion.

Polk was the "dark horse".

Not dark in a good way though.

The 1787 delegates practiced a wide range of high and middle-status occupations, and many pursued more than one career simultaneously. They did not differ dramatically from the Loyalists, except they were generally younger and less senior in their professions. Thirty-five were lawyers or had benefited from legal education, though not all of them relied on the profession for a livelihood. Some had also become judges.

At the time of the convention, 13 men were merchants, Blount, Broom, Clymer, Dayton, Fitzsimons, Shields, Gilman, Gorham, Langdon, Robert Morris, Pierce, Sherman, and Wilson.

Six were major land speculators: Blount, Dayton, Fitzsimons, Gorham, Robert Morris, and Wilson.

Eleven speculated in securities on a large scale: Bedford, Blair, Clymer, Dayton, Fitzsimons, Franklin, King, Langdon, Robert Morris, Charles Cotesworth Pinckney, and Sherman.

Twelve owned or managed slave-operated plantations or large farms: Bassett, Blair, Blount, Butler, Carroll, Jenifer, Jefferson, Mason, Charles Pinckney, Charles Cotesworth Pinckney, Rutledge, Spaight, and Washington. Madison also owned slaves, as did Franklin, who later freed his slaves and was a key founder of the Pennsylvania Anti-Slavery Society.

Eight of the men received a substantial part of their income from public office: Baldwin, Blair, Brearly, Gilman, Livingston, Madison, and Rutledge.

Three had retired from active economic endeavors: Franklin, McHenry, and Mifflin.

Franklin and Williamson were scientists, in addition to their other activities.

McClurg, McHenry, and Williamson were physicians, and Johnson was a college president.

Thomas Jefferson

The words of Thomas Jefferson are beautiful!

Thomas Jefferson was chosen to write of the many ideals that Americans held dear, for and by the wealthy. Men without property had no voice in the direction of "America". Women had no voice.

Black men were chained.

Black women were in Jefferson's bed.

Uncle Thomas Jefferson was a hypocrite.

Our peculiar security is in the possession of a written Constitution. Let us not make it a blank paper by construction. - Thomas Jefferson to Wilson Nicholas, 1803

My reading of history convinces me that most bad government results from too much government. – Thomas Jefferson.

To preserve our independence, we must not let our rulers load us with perpetual debt. We must make our election between economy and liberty, or profusion and servitude. .I place economy among the first and most important of republican virtues, and public debt as the greatest of the dangers to be feared. – President Thomas Jefferson

The issue today is the same as it has been throughout all history, whether man shall be allowed to govern himself or be ruled by a small elite. – Thomas Jefferson

When a man assumes a public trust, he should consider himself public property. – Thomas Jefferson

I have sworn upon the altar of god, eternal hostility against every form of tyranny over the mind of man. – Thomas Jefferson (1800)

In matters of Power, let no more be heard of confidence in men, but bind him down from mischief by the chains of the Constitution. – Thomas Jefferson

Our legislators are not sufficiently apprized of the rightful limits of their power; that their true office is to declare and enforce only our natural rights and duties, and to take none of them from us. – Thomas Jefferson, Letter to F. W. Gilmer, 1816

Tyranny is defined as that which is legal for the government but illegal for the citizenry. – Thomas Jefferson

Rightful liberty is unobstructed action according to our will within limits drawn around us by the equal rights of others. I do not add "within the law," because law is often but the tyrant's will, and always so when it violates the rights of the individual. – Thomas Jefferson

I predict future happiness for Americans if they can prevent the government from wasting the labors of the people under the pretense of taking care of them. – Thomas Jefferson

If a law is unjust, a man is not only right to disobey it, he is obligated to do so. – Thomas Jefferson

The policy of the American government is to leave their citizens free, neither restraining nor aiding them in their pursuits. – Thomas Jefferson

An elective despotism was not the government we fought for. – Thomas Jefferson

Experience [has] shown that, even under the best forms [of government], those entrusted with power have, in time and by slow operations, perverted it into tyranny. – Thomas Jefferson 1779

The man who reads nothing at all is better educated than the man who reads nothing but the newspapers. – Thomas Jefferson

I want all of Jefferson's pretty words to be true.

Unfortunately uncle Tom proves to be petty.

Samuel Chase (April 17, 1741 – June 19, 1811) was an Associate Justice of the United States Supreme Court and earlier was a signatory to the United States Declaration of Independence as a representative of Maryland. Early in life, Chase was a "firebrand" states-righter and revolutionary. His political views changed over his lifetime and in the last decades of his career he became well-known as a staunch Federalist, and was impeached for allegedly letting his partisan leanings affect his court decisions. Chase was acquitted.

President Thomas Jefferson was determined to seize control of the judiciary from the Federalists and to his own party. His allies in Congress had shortly after his inauguration repealed the Judiciary Act of 1801, abolishing the lower courts created by the legislation and terminating their Federalist judges despite lifetime appointments; Chase, two years after the repeal in May 1803, had denounced it in his charge to a Baltimore grand jury, saying that it would "take away all security for property and personal liberty, and our Republican constitution will sink into a mobocracy."  Jefferson saw the attack as an opportunity to reduce the Federalist influence on the judiciary by impeaching Chase, launching the process from the White House when he wrote to Congressman Joseph Hopper Nicholson of Maryland asking: "Ought the seditious and official attack [by Chase] on the principles of our Constitution . . .to go unpunished?"

Among many Revolutionaries were true heroes like Dr. Joseph Warren who were motivated by dreams of a better tomorrow. He was concerned that a war with England would weaken her in the struggle with France. He was morally and physically courageous. At Breed’s Hill in 1775 he took his place with the common man and he gave his life for the future he believed in.

Alexander Hamilton was opposed to slavery and, with John Jay and other anti-slavery advocates, helped to found the first African free school in New York City. Jay helped to found the New York Manumission Society and, when he was governor of New York in 1798, signed into law the state statute ending slavery as of 1821.

Ben Franklin-Extraordinary American

Benjamin Franklin has too many wonderful accolades to list.

Where Liberty dwells, there is my country. – Benjamin Franklin

When the government fears the people, it is liberty. When the people fear the government, it is tyranny. – Thomas Paine

Resistance to tyranny is service to God. – James Madison

The legitimate powers of government extend to such acts only as are injurious to others. But it does me no injury for my neighbor to say there are twenty gods, or no god. It neither picks my pocket nor breaks my leg. – Thomas Jefferson (1781)

Where is it written in the Constitution, in what section or clause is it contained, that you may take children from their parents and parents from their children, and compel them to fight the battle in any war in which the folly or the wickedness of government may engage it? – Daniel Webster

Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty or give me death! -Patrick Henry to the Virginia House of Burgesses, 1775

Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery?

Still- the black man was chained.

Men without property could not vote.

Women could not vote.

American Religion-Ghost Dance
American Religion-Ghost Dance

American Forefathers and Religion

I worship the true God.

I try to follow the Golden Rule.

Clutching this Golden Rule I will also clutch the truth and tell it.

I am not of the religious right or the religious left.

I have never voted for a winner from either party.

Both political parties are just to keep Americans "occupied".

One of the most common statements from the "Religious Right" is that they want this country to "return to the Christian principles on which it was founded". However, a little research into American history will show that this statement is a lie. The men responsible for building the foundation of the United States had little use for Christianity, and many were strongly opposed to it. They were men of The Enlightenment, not men of Christianity. They were Deists who did not believe the bible was true.

When the Founders wrote the nation's Constitution, they specified that "no religious test shall ever be required as a qualification to any office or public trust under the United States." (Article 6, section 3) This provision was radical in its day-- giving equal citizenship to believers and non-believers alike. They wanted to ensure that no single religion could make the claim of being the official, national religion, such as England had. Nowhere in the Constitution does it mention religion, except in exclusionary terms. The words "Jesus Christ, Christianity, Bible, and God" are never mentioned in the Constitution-- not once.

The Declaration of Independence gives us important insight into the opinions of the Founding Fathers. Thomas Jefferson wrote that the power of the government is derived from the governed. Up until that time, it was claimed that kings ruled nations by the authority of God. The Declaration was a radical departure from the idea of divine authority.

The 1796 treaty with Tripoli states that the United States was "in no sense founded on the Christian religion" (see below). This was not an idle statement, meant to satisfy muslims-- they believed it and meant it. This treaty was written under the presidency of George Washington and signed under the presidency of John Adams.

Native Voices: Red Cloud

"If there be an object truly ridiculous in nature", English abolitionist Thomas Day wrote in a 1776 letter, "it is an American patriot, signing resolutions of independency with the one hand, and with the other brandishing a whip over his affrighted slaves."


“When the Know-Nothings get control, it (the declaration of Independence) will read: ‘All men are created equal except negroes, foreiners and Catholics.’ When it comes to this, I should prefer emigrating to some country where they make no pretense of loving liberty—to Russia, for instance, where despotism can be taken pure, and without the base alloy of hypocrisy.”

Abraham Lincoln

(Letter to Joshua F. Speed, August 24, 1855)

When people are lying about American or world history,

                                               they are also lying about a lot of other stuff.

Shed the liars.

Searching for American history will get you a very rosy picture where nobody even uses the bathroom just like your TV.

That's most of our history. Rosy!

You need more history than a take-out box from brain-washers, masters of spin.

The truth is good enough for me.

I need information to make a plausible truth!

Not one president in this video has defended the Constitution - not one. Most of our forefathers established a government where 70, 000 men died during our revolution and unless they owned property- they had NO say in the government. The painting is propaganda at it's lying nastiness.
The hated "liberals" are applauding as Obama has his foot on the Constitution. Repugnants are aligned with the "surprised" forefathers.

Kennedy looks away.

I lived through the Bush dictatorships.

The patriot act?

The presidencies of George Herbert Walker Bush and his "brilliant son.

The Dick Cheney presidency.

The best republican we've had was Bill Clinton.

Obama will be the best republican president.

All our elected officials are bogus.

They are all republicans- since 1776.

But- the video speaks for itself.

It's that October surprise that the republicans are so famous for like when George Herbert Walker Bush made a deal with Ollie North to trade weapons for out hostages in Iran.

The hostages wouldn't be released until after Cater left office.

It's against the law and it is treason to give arms to the enemy.

Oliver North and George Herbert Walker Bush are traitors and should be tried for treason.

Alas, out Injustice System has not worked in 200 years.

George Herbert Walker Bush also broke the law after his presidency working for defense contractors and with the pharmaceutical companies and his partner in crime and close family ties vice-president Dan Quayle.

But- there are no democrats after election.

This is America, There will not be one detectable shift from the dead center alliance both democrats and republicans have with MONEY!

Shame rules this election as in every election prior to this one!

Shame on any artist prostituting himself in acts as this.

Shame on our political process that uses scare tactics like this while the world burns.

Shame on this party structure that demonizes any "other party"  that is not democratic or republican.

Shame on the democrats and republicans who exclude third party candidates from debates.

These republicans and democrats are tyrants and cowards.

These republicans and democrats are wiping their rears on the Constitution.

In the hands of THESE democrats and republicans-

our United States Constitution is not worth the HEMP it was written on.

Big & Rich - 8th Of November (Video)

Our "leading" Americans are ashamed of the truth.

These Americans keep rewriting our history to pretty it up and sell their lies and bad ideas.

These Americans will lie about anything and God is not with them.

I believe in the Golden Rule.

I have to speak the truth as well.

Yes - I walk back and forth across this Rule that is Golden because these lies kill and torture God's people!

Jesse Ventura Interview With Hannity On FOX May.18, 2009

Jesse Ventura Explains Why WTC7 Is The Key To 9/11 Being An Inside Job!


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